Terms of Use

1. General provisions

1.1. This agreement and the rules set forth in it (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) determine the procedure and conditions for the use of information, news and other materials posted on the website of the Volunteer Group of the project “Food of Life. Donetsk” (hereinafter – the “Volunteer Group”) foodforlifedonetsk.ru (the” Site “).

1.2. Any materials posted on the Site are subject to copyright. The rights of the Volunteer Group to these materials are protected by the legislation on the rights to the results of intellectual activity.

1.3. Free non-commercial use of materials is possible only in cases provided for in paragraphs. 2.2.1-2.2.2 of the Rules. In other cases, use is allowed only with the written consent of the Volunteer Group, this is stipulated in paragraph 3 of these rules

1.4. The rules apply to the following users: news agencies, electronic and print media, information bases, individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as “Users”).

2. Use of materials. Uses

2.1. The use of materials means reproduction, distribution, public display, broadcasting, cable communication, translation, processing, publicizing and other methods of use provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.

2.2. Free use:

2.2.1. Any text, photo, graphic, video, audio and other materials posted on the Site can be used by any Users without the written consent of the Volunteer Group free of charge, subject to the non-commercial use of materials. In this case, Users are obliged in each case of public use of materials to provide a link to the source and a hyperlink to the page of the Site from which these materials were borrowed. In this case, the link should be at the beginning of the copied material, be clearly visible and contain a mention of the site foodforlifedonetsk.ru

2.2.2. Making any changes and / or additions to the materials posted on the Site, as well as any processing of materials is prohibited.

2.3. Other uses:

2.3.1. Commercial use of materials posted on the Site is carried out on the basis of agreements with the Volunteer Group concluded in writing.

2.3.2. Any unauthorized commercial use of text, photo, graphic, video, audio and other materials posted on the Site belonging to the Volunteer Group and other third parties is prohibited.

2.3.3. If necessary, use the materials posted on the Site specified in clause 2.3.2. Of the Rules, Users are required to obtain written permission (consent) of the Volunteer Group or the direct copyright holder to use such materials on a reimbursable basis.

2.3.4. Use of materials from the Volunteer Group specified in clause 2.3.2. Rules in the scope and purposes not provided for by the agreement between the Volunteer Group and the User, as well as without the agreement, are not allowed.

2.3.5. The cost of using each specific material is agreed by the parties in each specific case.

3. Obligations of Users when using materials

3.1. When using the materials of the Volunteer Group for any purpose other than personal, a link to the website foodforlifedonetsk.ru of the Volunteer Group is required:

3.1. 1. in print media or in other forms on tangible media, Users are required in each case of using materials to indicate the source – “Volunteer group of the project“ Food of Life. Donetsk ”( foodforlifedonetsk.ru ).

3.1.2. on the Internet or other forms of electronic use, Users in each case of using materials are required to place a direct hyperlink to the Site – foodforlifedonetsk.ru .

3.1.3. the font size of the source link or hyperlink should not be less than the font size of the text in which the materials of the Site are used, or the font size of the text of the User accompanying text, audio, video, photo materials and graphic materials of the Site.

3.1 .4. if it is necessary to use textual, photo, graphic, informational-graphic, video, audio and other materials posted on the Site, the rights to which belong to third parties, Users need to contact the direct copyright holders.

3.2. When using materials posted on the Site, their processing in any form is not allowed. Material reduction is possible only if this does not lead to a distortion of its meaning. Users understand and are solely responsible for distorting the meaning of the materials.

3.3. When using informational, news materials posted on the Site, Users should not indicate on their sites, social networks and / or in RSS feeds the time for the release of informational, news materials is identical to or earlier than the time for their release on the Site.

4. Disclaimer

4.1. The volunteer group reserves the right to change these rules unilaterally at any time without notifying the Users. Any changes will be posted on the Site – https://foodforlifedonetsk.ru/en/terms-of-use/. Changes take effect from the moment they are posted on the Site.